Teaching Goals


As a teacher, my first goal is to have my students develop a critical lens when evaluating and implementing policies and practices. In my two theory classes, Social Contexts of Education (Ph.D.) and Advanced Organizational Theory (undergraduate), I teach the core social science theories in each field so that students have a set of tools with which they can connect the practical problems in front of them with a historical tradition and set of ideas.


My second goal is to help students develop a sense of empathy for those they study and seek to help. My Qualitative Methods (Ph.D./M.A.) course affords me the opportunity to show students how research and policy impacts individual people. I want my students to see how those they study interpret and make meanings of their own worlds, and be aware of the ethical implications involved in studying actual human beings. Both of my teaching goals reflect the goals of my research and my aims as a scholar.

Courses Taught

HOD 3234: Advanced Organizational Theory (undergraduate)

LPO 8500/7500: Qualitative Methods (graduate)

LPO 8130: Social Context of Education (graduate)

EHLP 8820: Decision Analysis III – Qualitative Research (graduate)

My wonderful first class of Ph.D. students!

My wonderful first class of Ph.D. students!

Honored to receive the 2023 Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center Mentoring Award

Final undergraduate projects from Advanced Organizational Theory.

Final undergraduate projects from Advanced Organizational Theory.